

VENDOR: roxanich


Mara Rožanić‘s signature wine was inspired not by her time spent at the winery, but by her years of experience with the restaurant kitchen. Entering as a kitchen help, but having a lot of experience with our family cooking, made her change her path radically from where her studies have been supposed to take her. Determined to improve her chefs’ skills, she joined the Cordon Bleu school in London, where she graduated as Master Pâtissier. Mara now creates a completely new gastronomy/bistronomy reality at Roxanich, that perfectly matches our wine art.


The Roxanich Mara 4/6 is a limited-edition, authentic vintage rosé, created for fabulous memories. It confirms that great wine, even in form of a rosé, can gain in complexity while being aged. Made from 100% Borgonja Istriana, an indigenous grape variety that grows on the rich in iron Istrian soil of Crljenica (Terra Rossa), our unexpectedly complex rosé becomes more intense and bodied at the end of the bottle.


Our limited edition, long aged, vintage rose interpretation, made from 100 percent Borgonja Istriana, is inspired by Mara Rožanić’s experience as Master Pâtissier.


The wine features short skin contact, almost limited to the time spent in the press. This would be enough to yield this authentic rosé mirroring the vintage. But being a rosé doesn’t limit the Roxanich Mara 4/6 to become a great wine, that matches all challenges of top gourmet pairings. Its complexity surprises with endless variations and faces this wine will show in the glass. The Roxanich Mara 4/6 evolves and reveals its layered complexity with extreme self-consciousness, far away from any rosé you know, proudly showing its ten years of immaculate ageing in large old vats.


The Roxanich Mara 4/6 is a wine with fabulous flavors and a glowing, old rosé color. Structured aromas going from elder-flower, dark red fruit, hints of cotton candy, pomegranate with light buttery notes - a marriage of two masters: a mature rosé wine, dry and smooth, but still fresh and incredibly mineral.


Tasting Notes: Top 13% of wines in the world by

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